
Shipments to India: shipping instruction requirements

Shipments to India: shipping instruction requirements

We would like to remind you about the implementation of Sea Cargo Manifest & Transshipment Regulations (SCMTR) in India, since the leeway of 45 days is about to expire on September 15 2019.

This regulation changes the current rules of filing the manifest for arriving and departing cargo on a vessel to/from India. It’s mandatory for all shipping lines, importers, exporters and other custodians to adhere to defined timelines.

In order to comply with the given timelines, we kindly request you provide us the following mandatory information with your shipping instructions/commercial invoice:

- Standard shipping information of shipper, consignee & notify (name, address, country, contact information,…)
- Commodity code (HS-code)
- IEC (Importer Exporter Code) & GST of consignee
- PAN (Permanent Account Number) of notify party (if from India)
- Cargo value and currency (will appear on import manifest, not mentioned on the bill of lading)

Non-compliance to the above requirements may lead to cargo not being loaded or issuance of original B/L may be held back where the entire risk, cost and consequence remain on the account of the shipper.